The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
The canvas is unlined and is on its original stretcher which is providing good support. There is a paper patch to the centre right edge (viewed from the reverse). This corresponds to the visible repaired U shaped tear. There are stretcher marks, particularly noticeable at the upper, right and lower edges. There is a pattern of craquelure throughout much of the canvas. There is a scratch through the dogs face. The varnish is dirty and discoloured, and has bloomed in areas. The picture would benefit from a clean and a new varnish.
UV light reveals retouching to the tear. There are some areas of fluorescing through the background and to areas of the horse. Some of these may be retouchings but they may also be areas of cloudy varnish.
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