The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
The painting is executed on panel. Originally conceived as the lid of a harpsichord, this was subsequently made up into a rectangle. Evidence of this is visible to the reverse in the upper left-hand corner where the rectangular edition can be made out, the whole is now cradled and remains stable.
Examination in natural light shows that the details of the figural group remain for the most part well preserved, with the fluidity of the drapery fully appreciable. In the centre of the right hand edge a crack is beginning to appear between the rectangular edition and the original harpsichord lid. There are two further horizontal cracks extending from the centre left-hand edge, the first measuring approximately 15 cm and the second approximately 30 cm, the latter extending through the figure group.
It is clear from the paint application in the sky that what is currently visible postdates the original conception of the composition, and was likely executed at the moment when the lid was made into a rectangle. This is especially clear around the figure of Pegasus in the centre of the composition, where some of the detailing is lost because the paint strokes of the sky slightly cover them. Along the lower edge the varnish has blanched somewhat, obscuring the details of the grass.
Examination under UV light confirms the above observations. The varnish has been selectively cleaned around the figural groups and in the foliage and rock. There is evidence of retouching in the foliage to the left of the composition and in the rock at the centre. There appears to be some further scattered retouching most notably in the ground around the figures. The paint remains stable overall.
Print Report