The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
Le tableau est peint sur un panneau de chêne composé de plusieurs planches ayant été renforcé à l'arrière par 10 taquets. Les taquets sont au niveau des jointures de planches qui sont légèrement disjointes. Des petites traces de moisissures superficielles sont visibles au revers du support.
A l'oeil nu, on constate plusieurs traces de moisissure et du chancis de vernis superficiels, notamment dans la partie inférieure. On constate une fente visible également au revers du panneau, avec des retouches associées ayant viré. On constate également des retouches ponctuelles dans la fraise. Des irrégularités de vernis sont visibles le long du bord supérieur.
Le tableau est encrassé mais préserve une très jolie matière et de beaux glacis.
A l'UV, le tableau est sous un vernis fluorescent épais uniforme dissimulant d'anciennes campagnes de restauration. On devine cependant quelques légères restaurations ponctuelles dans le visage du modèle, ainsi que dans le costume en-dessous de la main gauche.
Dans un cadre en bois doré (approx. 82,5 x 69 x 6,5 cm) - fragilités dans les parties supérieures.
The painting is executed on an oak panel, made up of three vertically joined boards. The panel joins are reinforced by 10 wooden cleats. There has been some movement in the panel joints, and the support would benefit from a campaign of stabilisation. There are very minor scattered spots of surface mould (visible in the images) to the reverse of the panel, which would brush off with ease.
The painting presents very well in natural light, with the fluidity of execution, delicacy of modelling and all the paint glazes very well preserved.
The aforementioned panel joins can be seen from the recto, with some associated retouching that has discoloured with age. The varnish has yellowed and carries some dirt and spots of varnish mould; this would benefit from cleaning. There is some minor scattered retouching in the background and in the sitter’s ruff.
Examination under UV light is impeded by the thick varnish. However, some minor retouching can be perceived in the sitter’s face and in the costume beneath the sitter’s left hand. The paint remains stable.
In a giltwood frame measuring approx. 82,5 x 69 x 6,5 cm, some minor losses to the gilding.
Print Report