Five Broadsides
five woodcuts with extensive hand-colouring and letterpress text
circa 1650-70
on laid paper, two with indistinct watermarks, the others without watermark
all printed and published in Augsburg, three by Bach, two by Wellhöfer
with small to wide margins
some foxing, staining and other minor defects, the subjects in good condition
(for further details see catalogue essay and condition report)
Sheets 300 x 374 mm. (and similar)
Karl & Faber, Munich, 17 May 1966, lots 54-58.
Acquired at the above sale; then by descent to the present owners.
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Lot Essay

The lot includes the following subjects:
Abraham Bach, Aufflauff des gemeinen Manns/ wider den mit dem Gelt. ('A gathering of the common man against the one with money.')
Abraham Bach, Das Junckfraw Wägen ('The weighing of virgins'.)
Abraham Bach, Ein Beckenhaus/ in welchem man alte Weiber jung backe kan. & Ein Beckenhaus/ darin die alten Männer jung gebacken werden. ('A bakery, in which old women can be baked to be young again.' & 'A bakery, in which the old men are baked to be young again.')
Moritz Wellhöfer, Die Historia vom reichen Mann/ und armen Lazaro. ('The history of the rich man and the poor Lazarus.')
Moritz Wellhöfer, Das weise Gericht Salomonis. ('The wise judgment of Salomon.')

Due to their popular, ephemeral purpose, these moralistic pamphlets are very rare survivors. Created without much artistic ambition, they were made for quick public distribution and consumption, and very rarely kept for posterity. The relatively good condition of the present examples is all the more remarkable.
A similar hand-coloured broadside by Wellhöfer is in the British Museum (inv. no. 1999,0627.22). The British Museum also holds several broadsides by Bach, including one recording the occurrence of a comet over the city of Augsburg (inv. no. 1880,0710.549). For further information see: John Roger Paas, The German political Broadside 1600-1700, 14 vols., Wiesbaden 1985-2017.

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