The first rectangular, the gold mounts and thumbpiece engraved with stiff leaves and flowers, all four sides, underside, cover, and interior of cover painted with military scenes, the second bombé rectangular, the gold mounts bright cut and engraved with lozenges, painted in the manner of Watteau on all four sides, underside, and cover with courtly figures in landscapes, the interior of the cover painted after Chéron with a mythological scene of Narcissus within a grisaille landscape and a gilt border
318 in. (7.9 cm.) long, the first, with military scenes
With Asprey & Co. Ltd., London (the example with military scenes).
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The military scene inside the cover of the first example is after an engraving by G. Conrad Bodenhauer of a drawing by G. P. Rugendas which was published by I. E. Ridinger and included in an album of 'Thirty-Eight Drawings' Augsburg, 1730, a copy of which is in the British Library (435b 23[I]). Military and battle scenes by Rugendas were common inspiration for scenes on various Meissen snuff boxes produced around this time.
The scene of Narcissus at the pond inside the cover of the second example is after an engraving published in 1712 by Nicolas Henri Tardieu of Élisabeth Sophie Chéron's painting Narcisse Amoureux De Lui Même.

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