The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
Please note, this work is sold unframed. The sheet has shifted in tone and the upper edge is perforated with associated minor wear. On one side with the figure drawing, a tiny spot of skinning is to the upper right corner and a pinpoint nick is to the lower left corner. A pinpoint indent is to the lower left quadrant of the sheet with the figure drawing. One the other side with the crouched figure, a pinpoint spot of skinning is to the upper left corner and a faint transfer mark is to the center upper perforated edge. A few tiny spots of white stray media are to the upper half of the sheet and a spot of skinning is to center near the leg of the figure. Visible under raking light on both sides of the sheet, faint handling indents are occasional, most notably to the edges of the sheet. There is no apparent inpainting visible under ultraviolet light.
Print Report