Jael and Sisera
circa 1520-25
on laid paper, partial watermark Bull's Head with Stem, Cross and Serpent
a brilliant, early impression of this rare print
printing strongly and with great clarity, intense contrasts and depth
trimmed to or on the borderline
in very good condition
Block & Sheet 121 x 95 mm.
Bartsch 43; Winzinger 23; New Hollstein w.43
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Lot Essay

Jael is a heroine of the Old Testament, who helped the Israelites in the war against King Jabin. The commander of Jabin's army, the ruthless Sisera, was defeated in combat but managed to escape. He found refuge in the tent of Jael, who gave him food and comfort but when he fell asleep killed him by driving a tent peg into his skull (Book of Judges 4-5). This is moment is depicted by Altdorfer in the present, exquisite little woodcut. The setting however is not Canaan, but an open yard outside a German castle.

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