The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
In addition to the catalogue description:
Sheet 1
- watermark Bear (indistinct, but similar to Briquet 12274, Bern, 1558; or Briquet 12279, Bern, 1530-35).
Mastricht. (recto):
- the sheet toned and with some scattered foxing, mainly in the margins.
- some irregular moisture staining in the margins.
- some minor black ink staining and bleeding in the lower margin.
Lichtennaw. (verso):
- with letterpress initial h in the lower margin at right.
- the sheet toned in the margins and with brown discoloration along the outer edges of the subject.
- the black ink of the borderline with a smudge into the subject at upper right.
- some moisture staining and minor black ink staining in the lower and lower left margin.
- the star from recto slightly showing through on this side.
Sheet 2
- apparently without watermark.
Standardbearer seen from behind (recto):
- with letterpress initial a in the lower margin at right.
- the sheet slightly toned and stained in the margins, mainly below and at right.
- some scattered foxing mainly visible in the margins.
- inscribed with brown ink 6X [?] in the lower right sheet corner.
Standardbearer seen from the Front, a Castle on Cliffs beyond (verso):
- staining and foxing in the margins.
- bled black ink along the borderline outside the subject.
- the brown ink inscription recto showing through on this side at lower left.
Otherwise as described, the subjects generally in very good condition, the colours fresh.
Print Report