The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
- Overall condition: excellent. Shows minor signs of wear, a few hairline scratches.
- Additional marks: Magic alhambra necklace marked Au750, JF466627, B324; alhambra necklace marked R5635, Au750, JF363538; vintage alhambra earrings marked JF374290, Au750, OR; Frivole earrings marked Au750, JF334167, OR.
- Fittings: neck chains with secure clasp, Magic alhambra pendant detachable; earrings with post and clip fittings, for pierced-ears.
- Mother-of-pearl: excellent condition, with typical inclusions.
- Diamond: 6 round diamonds, bright and lively.
- Please refer to the Conditions of Sale for further information regarding the sale of endangered species.
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