The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
In addition to the catalogue description:
- with wide, irregular margins.
- the right sheet with a trimmed edge.
- an inky finger print in the subject at the upper left corner, next to the signature, inherent to the printing of this impression.
- a few pale fox marks (?) in the subject, showing up as tiny white spots on the cream background, near the left and lower plate marks.
- a small area of foxing in the lower left margin, other occasional pin point fox marks in the margins and verso.
- a little minor surface dirt in places in the margins and verso.
- with old brown tape along the upper sheet verso, and with paper tape along the left edge.
Otherwise as described and in good condition.
Print Report