Andy Williams: An American Legend

JOHN MCCRACKEN (1934-2011)
signed and dated 'John McCracken 1970' (on the underside)
fiberglass, lacquer and wood
10 x 10 x 8 3/8 in. (25.4 x 25.4 x 21.2 cm.)
Executed in 1970.
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Lot Essay

Color is the form. If a piece is blue, what color is the space around it?
--John McCracken

John McCracken's explorations in color, form and finish marry his California background with the theories of Minimalism. This work was acquired by legendary performer Andy Williams and was displayed in his La Cienega Boulevard gallery and office in Los Angeles with a selection of works from his personal collection. As Robert Williams, his son, noted when commenting on his father's collection, "He had so many different types of art and I think it all evoked different emotions for him. I would catch him staring at a piece drifting off somewhere...Maybe creative people see creative things in different ways but his connection to his art was very powerful."

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