Sale Overview
This auction features a curated selection of top-quality wines from the most renowned wineries around the globe. Whether you are a seasoned collector, a wine enthusiast or just starting to build a collection, the sale provides a distinctive opportunity to acquire wines at different price points, for consumption now or for medium or long-storage. Highlights include three bottles of the legendary Mouton 1945. Contemporary first growth Bordeaux from outstanding vintages in original wooden case feature Château Lafite Rothschild 2005, Château Latour 2003, Château Margaux 2005, Château Mouton Rothschild 2005 and Château Haut-Brion 2010. Top-notch Burgundy producers are another highlight, represented by Leflaive, Armand Rousseau, Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier, Dujac, Hudelot-Noëllat, and more.
Champagne selection is mostly from 2000s, including Dom Perignon, Henri Giraud, Krug, Cristal and Philipponnat, to name a few. Don’t miss a small collection of Jacques Selosse Initial, Substance and Version Originale disgorged in the late 2000s.
Highlights from other regions include Conterno Barolo Monfortino Riserva, Vega Sicilia Unico, Egon Muller and Screaming Eagle The Flight.
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