Event Date14–28 JAN 2021 | Online 19290

Old Master & British Drawings including property from The Cornelia Bessie Estate

New York
Sale Total USD 4,089,250

14–28 JAN 2021

Sale Overview

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This sale features works from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, with a particular focus on drawings by some of the greatest eighteenth-century French artists. Highlights include Jean-Étienne Liotard’s Portrait of Philibert Cramer, one of Voltaire’s publishers, still owned by the sitter’s descendants; one of Jean-Honoré Fragonard’s most enchanting red-chalk figure studies, Young woman dozing, from the Cornelia Bessie Estate; no less than thirteen sheets from Fragonard’s illustrations for Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando furioso, the popular sixteenth-century epic poem, Property from the Collection of Nina R. and Arthur A. Houghton, Jr.; and a Study of the head of a woman by Jean-Baptiste Greuze, one of several drawings in the sale from The Collection of Nina Griscom. From the preceding century dates Laurent de La Hyre’s Binding of Isaac. Among the Italian drawings are such rare works as a sketch for a painting by the fifteenth-century Roman artist Antoniazzo Romano, and an architectural drawing by architect Vincenzo Scamozzi, the pupil of Palladio, as well as an energetic Holy Family on the Flight to Egypt by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. Northern drawings include Jan Siberecht’s Study of an old gnarled tree, a selection of  works from the Rembrandt School, and a pastel family portrait by Cornelis Troost.

Viewing is by appointment only, January 20–28 2021
20 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020

Monday–Saturday 10:00 AM–5:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM–5:00 PM

*To make an appointment please contact Hailey Schimmel
+ 1 212 636 2118

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