The condition of lots can vary widely and the nature of the lots sold means that they are unlikely to be in a perfect condition. Lots are sold in the condition they are in at the time of sale.
In addition to the catalogue description:
- a circa 1 mm. fillet of blank paper very skilfully added to the sheet edges.
- some small skilfully made-up areas along the extreme edges of the subject.
- a few tiny paper splits on Adam's cheek, neck and forehead, and Eve's cheek and forehead, all very skilfully repaired.
- three soft horizontal flattened folds, one across Adam and Eve's hips, partially broken and supported, with tiny touches of pen and ink.
- an unobtrusive, vertical flattened fold at centre.
- a diagonal, very skilfully repaired tear at the upper right sheet edge (to the right of Eve's head, approx. 37 mm.), with tiny touches of pen and ink.
- a shorter, irregular, very skilfully repaired tear at upper left, from the sheet edge to the branch Adam is holding.
- a short, diagonal, very skilfully repaired paper split (approx. 25 mm.) to the left of Adam's hip.
- a tiny backed hole on Eve's right arm, visible in transmitting light, a few pinholes on the tree trunk in places.
- a very short paper split (2-3 mm.) on the cat's chest.
- traces of stray red pigment, faded and quite unobtrusive, mainly visible in the tree trunk above the serpent, and also present in the background around Adam's right shoulder, the rocks at upper right, the leaf below Eve's left hand and elsewhere.
- the restorations very skilful and unobtrusive, mainly visible under magnification.
Otherwise as described and generally in good condition, mounted and unframed.
Print Report